Why Perfect Trading Is the Enemy of Good Forex Trading

Why Perfect Trading Is the Enemy of Good Forex Trading

No one is perfect in anything but people are always trying their best to be perfect in what they do. As the saying goes, perfection is not given, it is earned. In pursuit of perfection in the forex trading game, forex traders research on the forex markets, join circles of like-minded people, join prominent forex trading platforms and try as much as possible to place trades as advised by the forex traders, they work hand in hand with.

5 Reasons Why Perfect Trading Is the Enemy of Good Forex Trading

There are various reasons why perfect trading could translate to being the enemy of good forex trading. This article will highlight five of those reasons.

Learn what you can and cannot control

A forex trader needs to learn just what they can and not what they cant. It is key for a forex trader to have in mind that the mind can only take in things that we can handle at a time. It is impossible to learn everything at a go that is why forex trading should be a learning processing.

The majority of professional forex traders understand that forex trade can bring in a loss or a win and that no forex trader can control the outcomes of a trading game. The results all lie in how the forex markets are at the time the trades are placed. Predictions may help people know how to place their trades but they may not come out as it had been predicted.

It is for this reason that forex traders should learn what they can and cannot control.

Plan the trade and trade the plan

It is important to have plans not only in our general lives but also in our jobs and business. Plans are also necessary for the forex trading business. A plan is an outline of how things are going to be done. A forex trader needs to understand the forex trading game and thereafter plan for the trading games he or she will take part in.

The plans of a forex trader would include getting a trading style, knowing how much to risk in a trading game, and managing his or her trading account.

Accept a potential loss before entering the trade

A forex trader should always have in mind that losses and wins are part of the forex trading game.  As much as the forex market or forex trading platform predictions would assure forex traders that a win is foreseen from a trade, the results of that trade would come out in the opposite direction.

It is for this reason that a forex trader should accept a potential loss before entering the trade.

Micromanaging is the worst side effect of forex trading

As earlier mentioned, a forex trader should learn to do what they can and not what they cannot. A forex trader can’t control the forex markets or what result will come with a trading game they participated in. This then means that micromanaging the forex trading business is impossible and if a forex trader attempts to micromanage a trading game they will be out looking for disappointments and get emotionally drained.

Micromanaging is the aspect of someone wanting to have control of everything they do or what they are working on. Forex traders should keep in mind that micromanaging is the worst side effect of forex trading.

The Ultimate Key to stopping micromanaging your forex trading

Forex traders and those who want to join in the business should understand that to see progress in their trading games, they need to stop micromanaging forex trading. This is possible by just placing their trades and waiting for the results. It is key to however prepare and know the trading game predictions but do not tire watching over the trading game till it comes to the end.

A forex trader could avoid watching over live trades or trades they have placed via their forex trading platforms by switching off their computers and doing something completely different. The problem that comes with a forex trader not putting a halt to micromanaging his trades is that they end up depressed yet even losses should be expected from forex trading games.


This article discussed five reasons why perfect trading is the enemy of food trading. The five reasons are learning what you can and cannot control, planning the trade and trade the plan, accepting a potential loss before entering the trade, keeping in mind that micromanaging is the worst side effect of forex trading and the ultimate key to stop micromanaging your forex trading.